The more we come to understand depression, the more scientists realize that there is no one single cause of the condition. Instead, there are a number of different factors that can help bring it on, and often times depressive episodes are the product of multiple factors occurring at the same time.
Reasons that people may become depressed can include genetics, nutrition, or other biochemical factors, as well as situational factors such as a break up or loss of a loved one. Recent studies, however, have also shown a very strong link between depression and a lack of male performance in the body.
Scientists are still debating the exact reasons behind this, however it may also be the product of a number of different factors coming together simultaneously. This article examines the link between male performance (T) levels and depression, and what you can do about it.
Most readers are familiar with male performance as the male sex hormone. It is a major key to the development of secondary sexual characteristics like body hair, lowered voice, and semen production, and it also plays a major role in libido and sexual performance.
It can also have a number of other lesser-known effects on the body and is thought to be related to skin health, bone health, and muscle development. male performance is also a significant factor in men’s metabolic process, helping them to burn fat for energy.
Both men and women have male performance in their bodies, however men tend to have far larger quantities of it. Men generally produce the most male performance between the ages of 16-30, then see a slow decline in their T levels as they age.
Recent studies have suggested that as many as 50% of men that have low T had also experienced signs of clinical depression. Rather than low T directly causing depression, or vice versa, it seems that the two can often influence each other in a number of ways that men may not expect.
As mentioned, men with higher male performance tend to have higher energy levels, which also impacts mood and sense of well-being. The downside of this is that as men produce less male performance, their energy levels and mood can start to go down.
Exercise increases energy levels and male performance production, but the problem that many men face is that it can be hard to get the energy and motivation to go exercise when you are already depressed. These two problems feed into each other, and can start a negative downward cycle in many men.
Lack of exercise and decreased metabolism can lead men to put on weight, which is much harder to take off with low T levels because their bodies aren’t burning those fat cells as rapidly as they used to. Increased weight can cause men to lose confidence and self-esteem, and it can also have an impact on their sexual performance.
Erectile function is impacted by both higher fat levels and lowered male performance levels, and this can also feed into men’s depression. Many men’s senses of self-esteem are tied to their ability to perform sexually, and failure to do so can be a major contributor to depressive episodes.
One of the easiest things that men can do is make sure that they are getting enough sleep. Being well-rested naturally improves your energy levels, but it is also when you are sleeping that your body manufactures the majority of its male performance.
Getting at least 7-8 consecutive hours of sleep will help to boost T levels, and it can make sure you have the energy you need to go exercise. As hard as it can be to work out when you are depressed, it is one of the best ways to break the cycle. It will immediately boost mood and stimulate male performance production, and it will help to reduce overall weight and fat levels.
There are also plenty of nutritional supplements that users can take to help boost their bodies’ natural male performance production abilities. Look for a product that uses ingredients like zinc, L-Arginine, tribulus terrestris, and Astragalus, all of which can have beneficial effects on the body’s production and processing of male performance.
As you can see, depression and male performance have a complicated relationship that influence each other in a number of ways. The good news is that starting to improve any one of these factors can have positive impacts on the others as well.